Pulp&Paper Innovation that
adds Values to our lives.

Infinite possibilities of pulp –
connecting to our vision of paper’s future
Moorim Gallery, an integrated paper experience space

Moorim Gallery is a place that adds value to paper. We will make the gallery a place of communication where customers can see, touch, and experience all papers manufactured by Moorim and think together about the greater uses in our lives.
Please enjoy Moorim’s various customer convenience services, including product consultations, urgent delivery, and space rental.

Customer Convenience Service
  • 1:1 Product Consultations
    Stationed paper expert provides consultation services

  • Paper experience
    Exhibition and experience space for Moorim’s paper products (provides free samples)

  • Urgent small
    quantity delivery
    Quickly and easily order Moorim’s representative products

  • Communication
    Hosting related seminars and renting spaces, etc.

Floor Information
1st Floor

Paper product exhibition and experience space

Product Zone :All types of paper, including special papers from printing paper to digital paper, label paper, CCP, and boards

Experience Zone :Experience finished products made with Moorim’s paper

Paper Art Zone : Displays paper designers’ works made from paper handicrafts

2st Floor

Education, seminar room

Holds paper education and seminars with invited customers
(programs on paper related information)
Always open for free of charge when no events are held
(can freely use the facility)

※ Target: Workers in industries related to papers
(design, printing, postprocessing, publishing, paper distribution and students)


Opening Hours Weekdays, 09:00 ~ 18:00

Address 22, Chungmu-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

TEL +822. 771. 0202